HIIT Workout Program

Sprint 8 is a 20-minute workout that contains only four minutes of high-intensity exercise in 30 second intervals.

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Tried & True Manufactuerers

Tried & True Manufactuerers

Lose 27% Body Fat in 8 Weeks.

The intense interval training of Sprint 8 has been scientifically proven to reduce body fat, boost energy and promote lean muscle.

20 Minutes, 3 x Week.

As unlikely as it may seem, it is possible to realize signi cant bene ts in a 20-minute workout. If you have 20 minutes, you can perform the Sprint 8 workout and spark the change in your body that you want to see.

Virtually everyone can nd 20 minutes in a day to do something – especially if that something is improving your health, ghting aging, trimming fat and building a leaner, meaner and better-looking body.

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Proven Biomechanics

Sprint 8

How does it work?

Warm Up.

30s Sprint, 90s Active Recovery.
Repeat 8 times

Cool Down.

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Proven Biomechanics

Tried & True Manufactuerers
Dramatic Transformations.

Why It Work.

Unlike slow and moderate training, intense training stimulates the natural release of human growth hormone (HGH). That is what it makes it so effective. While intensity offers many bene ts, including a higher caloric burn rate, it is this natural stimulation of human growth hormone that is most signi cant. Elevated levels of human growth hormone are associated with increased lean muscle mass, decreased body fat and higher energy.

The Sprint 8 training routine is scientifically proven to stimulate the release of natural growth hormone and trigger dramatic physical transformations in average people.

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Proven Biomechanics

Construction Quality
Intensity = Results.

Maximize Your Workout.

Traditional exercise, such as going out for a jog or taking a long walk, will burn calories but won’t generate signi cant growth hormone production. Neither will pumping a few moderate dumbbells.

Don’t worry, you don’t have to do any calculations to make sure you’re maximizing your results. It is all pre-programmed for you and available at the touch of a button in the Sprint 8 workout.

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